1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

February 14, 2021 – Transfiguration – Transfiguration Sunday

Luke 9:28-45     

      Transfiguration doesn’t just happen on the top of the mountain. That’s where we remember it, and that’s what we name the liturgical day after, but it doesn’t just happen on top of the mountain.

    At the bottom of the mountain, a man’s son has been transfigured. No longer the beloved son, but is now possessed of an unclean spirit. The son foams at the mouth, and tried to harm himself. The child is no longer the child he once was. And then the child is cleansed. After cleansing the child, Jesus tells the disciples one of them will be transfigured from a faithful follower to an unfaithful betrayer.

     How do we see things or people differently? How does transfiguration happen for us? When does Jesus appear differently for us? When do Christ’s disciples transfigure?

Worship 2021
Worship 2021
February 14, 2021 - Transfiguration - Transfiguration Sunday