1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

June 12, 2022 – They come in Threes – Trinity Sunday

John 18:15-27 and John 21:1-19

We talk about things coming in threes. Often deaths, or bad things, and infrequently good things do we mentioning coming in threes. Then, of course, there is the Trinity. These two passages have some threes in them, and some of the same characters and setting pieces, There’s Peter, there’s Jesus, there’s a charcoal fire, and some questions about Peter’s relationship to Jesus. 

In the first passage, Peter denies knowing Jesus three times. In the second, Peter asserts three times that he loves Jesus. Peter actually seems to get irritated with Jesus’s repeated questioning, even though Jesus doesn’t seem to get irritated with Peter’s repeated denials. In one passage, Peter is at the fire with the guards and officers, and at one fire he is with the disciples. Is it a surprise how his behaviors change?

Ultimately, these passages should move us away from our faith being “one and done.” We aren’t horrible Christians when we get it wrong. We aren’t wonderful Christians when (if?) we get it right. We have lots of chances, sometimes even right in a row, to affirm our faith in Christ, and to affirm our love for Christ. Also, who we stand with influences our response to Christ. Who is at with you at the fire? Who are you with at the fire? 

June 12, 2022 Trinity Sunday

John 18:15-27 Peter’s Denials

John 21:1-19 Do you love me?

They come in Threes

We talk about things coming in threes. Often deaths, or bad things, and infrequently good things do we mentioning coming in threes. Then, of course, there is the Trinity. These two passages have some threes in them, and some of the same characters and setting pieces, There’s Peter, there’s Jesus, there’s a charcoal fire, and some questions about Peter’s relationship to Jesus. 

In the first passage, Peter denies knowing Jesus three times. In the second, Peter asserts three times that he loves Jesus. Peter actually seems to get irritated with Jesus’s repeated questioning, even though Jesus doesn’t seem to get irritated with Peter’s repeated denials. In one passage, Peter is at the fire with the guards and officers, and at one fire he is with the disciples. Is it a surprise how his behaviors change?

Ultimately, these passages should move us away from our faith being “one and done.” We aren’t horrible Christians when we get it wrong. We aren’t wonderful Christians when (if?) we get it right. We have lots of chances, sometimes even right in a row, to affirm our faith in Christ, and to affirm our love for Christ. Also, who we stand with influences our response to Christ. Who is at with you at the fire? Who are you with at the fire? 

Worship 2022
Worship 2022
June 12, 2022 - They come in Threes - Trinity Sunday