1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

March 28, 2021 – Talking Rocks – Palm/Passion Sunday

Luke 19:29-44

           Rocks are a theme in Scripture. Peter is the rock. Children of Abraham could be raised up from those stones. The church is made of living stone. And here, Jesus talks about stones that can cry out. We so often look at this passage at what the people cry out, moving from Hosanna to ‘crucify him!’ but what does Jesus mean about the stones crying out?

           This is the response to the Pharisees asking Jesus to turn down the volume on his followers. Jesus comes back with stones that would cry out. It testifies to the message of Jesus, the person of Jesus, the presence of Jesus, that it doesn’t take people to proclaim the message. If the people are silent the rocks will cry out. What would that look like? Can we imagine a time at which no one praised God? What would it take?

Worship 2021
Worship 2021
March 28, 2021 - Talking Rocks - Palm/Passion Sunday