January 15, 2017 – Second Sunday After Epiphany
Luke 4:14-30 Sermon at Nazareth
Too Familiar?
How well do we know each other? How well do we know Jesus? How well do we know Scripture? This passage seems to imply that we can know someone so well that we can know what they aren’t as well as what they are.
The crowd knows Jesus. They know him as Joseph and Mary’s son. They know him as one of their own. They know his as hometown boy. And know they know him as one who has “forgotten” his hometown. But they do not know him as he is – Messiah. They don’t know him as one promised. They don’t know him as one who can heal, teach, die and rise. They don’t know him as Christ.
What parts of the faith do we know so well that we are closed to what God might be doing?
#307 –God of Grace and God of Glory
#630 – Fairest Lord Jesus
#649 – Amazing Grace – As Affirmation of Faith
#465 – What a Friend We have in Jesus