1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

January 29, 2017 – Fourth Sunday After Epiphany – Sabbath Stories

January 29, 2017 – Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

Luke 6:1-16 Healing on the Sabbath

Sabbath Stories

This chapter begins talking about Sabbath and how Jesus interacts with Sabbath. Jesus allows the disciples to work to feed themselves on the Sabbath. They pick grain, and rub it between their fingers and consume it. And Jesus is questioned as to why he allows the disciples to violate the Sabbath and break the law.

Another Sabbath, Christ is carefully watched to see if he will heal. Notice that Christ is teaching in the temple – but they are watching, not listening! And of course, Jesus heals a man. And his healing is challenged not on the basis of what it is, but when it is.

And then Jesus goes out to pray. He steps away, takes rest, and time with God, and then calls his disciples. He has broken the rules, taught, healed, fed, worked, kept Sabbath, and now he chooses the 12. He spends the Sabbath – How? And how do we?


#590R – This is the Day

#453 – Open Your Ears

#824 – Near to the Heart of God

#456 – Listen God is Calling

Worship 2017
Worship 2017
January 29, 2017 - Fourth Sunday After Epiphany - Sabbath Stories


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