Maintenance, Divine, Worship
I Chronicles 28, 2 Chronicles 2 Build the temple
Haggai 1 Restore the Temple
Psalm 8
John 4:19-26 worship where ?
Revelation 4:1-11 Holy, Holy, Holy
Maintenance. I don’t know anyone who really likes maintenance. It’s hard to maintain our weight. It’s hard to maintain a home, and it always seems to need the money we had set aside for something else. Maintaining cares, or wells, or relationships takes time and energy, often with none of the excitement of the new.
We get a push in these passages about building the temple, about what kind of space worship should happen in, and what kind of person should create a space for worship. Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, and challenges her to worship in truth and spirit. So let’s break it down. Maintenance – ongoing, persistent, in good working form. Divine – holy, sacred, eternal, awesome.
Worship – Praise, thanksgiving, entreaty, offering, sacrifice.
How do we do these things? How well do we do these things? Is worship more than an hour (an hour and a half) on Sunday morning? How do we make sure that we keep on keeping on in the direction of the divine?