Hear what our adults and youth learned and how they grew in faith on their summer mission trip to Babb, Montana.
Hear what our adults and youth learned and how they grew in faith on their summer mission trip to Babb, Montana.
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Friends, our mission team arrived home from Babb, MT today. After they rest and recover, take some time to hear about their trip!
They’re in Babb, MT, and hard at work. From Susie, July 1 – We’re had a great first full day at Babb UMC keeping busy with a variety of jobs topped off with our first trip to Glacier National Park. July 2 – The girls and Gary are painting the Babb UMC church sign on…
This is your update from Susie. We love you all. Keep us in prayer as we have left South Dakota and traveling through Montana today. We enjoyed the hospitality of UMC Rapid City SD last night and plan to arrive in Babb this evening. We’ll plan on fixing a fence, refurbishing the sign, and next…
The driveway is all cleared off. Thanks to Dan S., Eugene P., Benjamin GVD, Cindy B., and 5 sets of small helping hands.
Last night’s storm dropped some limbs on the driveway. They’ll be cleaned up today or tomorrow. In the meantime, treat it like a work zone. No thru traffic.
We celebrate the gift of the Spirit on Pentecost, and all of the gifts that come with the Spirit. We remember that the Spirit has been poured out upon us from our youth, and through our lives. In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we give a gift of gratitude and thanksgiving at Pentecost that helps the…
As we gather to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost we gather to hear a new thing and an already done thing. Our young people will lead our worship on Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 am. They will recount what they have learned in the past year, and how their faith has…