1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

News (Page 18)

The People of God in a Strange Land
The People of God in a Strange Land
August 30, 2020 - The 13th Sunday after Pentecost - Outside the City Limits

Presbyterian Week of Action

As our world has turned and churned and changed over the past months, one of the things that has been brought to the light is that we, as humans, are very good at being bad to one another. Calvin’s total depravity has been on witness throughout these months, over masks, and restaurants, over toilet paper,…

July 26, 2020 – The 8th Sunday after Pentecost – God Makes the Difference

Week 3 – The People of God in a Strange LandMicah 3:1-12 Destruction of JerusalemMicah 4:1-5 The New Jerusalem Micah manages to present two images of Jerusalem in these texts, the old Jerusalem, and the new Jerusalem. The old Jerusalem has issues. Micah and God use a series of contrasting and conflicting images to present a city and it’s inhabitants who think…