1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

April 10, 2022 – In and Out – Palm/Passion Sunday

John 19:16b-22 Sign above the cross proclaims the crucified king.

John 12:12-27 Triumphal Entry

Jesus comes in and goes out of Jerusalem in today’s two lessons. They happen about a week apart, and they show a dramatic shift in the attitudes of the people of Jerusalem about Jesus. What stays the same is the title that Jesus is given. As he comes into town, he is hailed as the king of Israel. As he dies, he is named the king of the Jews. 

In acclamation, he is hailed as the king of the Israel, and probably in Aramaic. He’s coming into town at Passover, and the people of God are gathering in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. It is probably a largely Jewish crowd, although there are some Greek Jews who approach Philip. In death, he is named as the king of the Jews in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. (INRI) In death, the proclamation of who Jesus is gets larger. Visible, done by the Romans, in multiple languages, Jesus is named as who he is, over the complaints of the Jewish leaders, Pilate does not relent.

As Jesus enters Jerusalem, he is named. As Jesus exits Jerusalem, he is named. In our faith journeys, when are we naming Jesus – Sunday or Friday?

Worship 2022
Worship 2022
April 10, 2022 - In and Out - Palm/Passion Sunday