Acts 9:1-19 Paul and Ananias, each called into Christ’s service (locally and globally).
Matthew 6:24
This is a huge passage in the history of the church. The conversion of Saul/Paul is a big deal. Much of the New Testament is a direct result of this passage. And, yes, it is a big deal. Paul swapping from being a persecutor of the followers of the Way to an evangelist of the Way is a really big swap.
There’s another conversion in the passage though, and we often overlook it. What happens with Ananias? He’s afraid (see last week). He’s concerned. He’s faithful. And there’s a tough call for him here. He has to
decide whether to go to his enemy, his persecutor, and heal him. That’s a huge ask, and an even huger answer. Ananias’s world gets turned upside down but what God asks him to do in the resurrection.
I think this conversion saves the church. I think the faithful being able to forgive, heal, and incorporate the ‘enemy’ into the church is the most significant conversion story we hear. What conversion have we, the faithful,
needed to undergo for the glory of God?