Acts 17:16-31 Sermon at Athens: What you worship as unknown, I proclaim to you.
John 1:16-18
The people in Athens like to CYA. They just want to be safe, and they just want to be sure. That plays out in that they have a lot of temples. They have temples to this god and to that god, the god who’s in charge of big
stuff and the god who’s in charge of little stuff. They even have an unnamed god, just in case.
This is where we find Paul. He’s preaching to them about their unnamed god who is, Paul says, Jesus Christ. They knew him even when they didn’t have a name for him. That’s Paul’s assertion.
And it’s my question. Before we knew Jesus, what did we call what he is to us, does for us, and how he is in relationship with us? What did we think it was before we came to believe it was God?