April 9, 2017 – Palm Sunday
Luke 19:29-44 Triumphal Entry
Even the Stones
Jesus, make them stop, the priests say. Make them stop tell the story of what you have done. Make them stop, it’s Passover. Make them stop, you’re from Nazareth. Make them stop! Make them STOP! Jesus says no. Even if they stopped, Jesus says, the stones would shout out!
Are we shouting out the glory of God? Do we believe that if we were silent, or silenced that God’s own creation would shout out? And if the stones would shout out, then why should we shout out? Do we believe that God can raise children if Abraham from stones that will cry out? And if God can make it happen without us, then what should we be doing?
#196 – All Glory, laud, and Honor
#611 – Joyful, Joyful, We Adobe Thee
#197 – Hosanna, Loud Hosanna