February 26, 2017 – Transfiguration
Luke 9:28-45 Transfiguration, healing a possessed boy
To the top, and down
They go to the top, and they see and hear impossible things. Voices from the clouds, long dead prophets, and blinding lights, bright white robes. And no matter how much they want to stay up there, they have to come down.
And when they come down, they see and hear more impossible things. A boy has a spirit that the disciples cannot drive out and cannot cleanse. Jesus casts the spirit out, and all are amazed. Then Jesus tells the disciples something impossible.
The impossible doesn’t always happen on the mountaintop. Sometimes it happens after. Even in the shadow of the transfiguration, in the shadow of the mountaintop experience, the impossible can still happen. God is still doing the impossible. God is still doing and being. What do we see God doing when we come down from the high places? What impossible do we see God making possible?
#307- God of Grace and God of Glory
#452 – Open the Eyes of My Heart
#700 – I’m Gonna Live so God can Use Me