Shelter, Nurture, fellowship
Acts 4 Deacons
Joshua 2 Rahab
Exodus 33:12-23 Cleft of the rock
Genesis 17 Covenant with Abraham
Shelter, Nurture, and Fellowship. Those are big, huge tasks. From what do we need shelter? How shall we be nurtured? What fellowship shall guide us? In my life, in my faith journey, I have received all of these from the church. I have been sheltered when what would be in front of me was too much. I have been sheltered from those who would do me harm. I have eaten a ton of meals from those who were taking care of me.
And many of these happened a long time ago. These events, these past stories and encounters, have trained me, nurtured me, to be one who provides these things as well. I’m sure I’m not the only one with these stories, these experiences. You and I also probably have stories of times when the church has failed in this regard as well.
So, with that said, in what ways do we do these things? I don’t just mean fellowship time. I mean the big words – Shelter – Nurture – Fellowship. How have you received them here? How have you provided them here? And how have we fallen short of them?