March 12, 2017 – Second Sunday in Lent
Luke 13:1-9, 31-35 Tower in Siloam and need for repentance, fig tree that bears no fruit
Judgment and Pardon
These are not fun passages. Why does someone suffer like this? Are they “worse” than us? We’d like to believe that, but Jesus won’t let us. But this does sound like us, doesn’t us? Those people deserve what’s coming to them. We don’t, though, do we? Bad things happen to people who deserve bad things. Right? And we’re not them.
Trees get second chances and tending. What about people? And how do we deal with Jesus challenging Pilate and the end we know this good man moves towards?
#441 – Hear the Good News of Salvation
#442 –Just as I am, Without One Plea
#649 – Amazing Grace

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