John 19:16b-22 Sign above the cross proclaims the crucified king.
Opt.: John 12:12-27 Triumphal Entry
Psalm 24
The week starts off one way, and it turns so quickly. We have spent a lot of time this Lent towards the end of the week. Jesus comes into the week surrounded by cheering. He exits the week nearly alone, not in the company of those we might celebrate. In a way, the tempest in a teapot over the sign reflects the week. Jesus is celebrated as he comes into town to celebrate the Passover, welcomed, cheered, and space is made for him.
By the end of the week, by Friday, things are different. The sign says king of the Jews. Pilate posts the sign. There is protest. Like many things about this week, it is what it is.
What is this week for you? Is it the celebration? Is it the palms, the meal, the Passover, the denial, the arrest, the crucifixion, the betrayal, the abandonment? Is it the lengths God will go to save us? What is this week?