March 26, 2017 – Fourth Sunday in Lent
Luke 16:19-31 Parable of Lazarus and the rich man
Even If
What does it take to convince us? The rich man, who dresses like royalty, and knows the name of Lazarus, but does not care for him, is clearly not convinced of what God requires. On the other side, he sure wants what he did not give – comfort, respite, a cure from agony, the presence of others, water when he’s hot. He begs for what he did not give, and when denied, asks for that poor man, Lazarus, to be sent to his family to convince them of what the temple, the priests, the history of Israel could not convince them of. Yet Abraham says they would not believe, even if someone rises from the dead.
Abraham may be foreshadowing for us what will happen to Jesus. Abraham asserts that the rich man won’t believe in what God has been doing even if he sees someone come back from the dead. Such a story of someone rising from the dead is at the center of our faith. So, even if, even if, someone rises from the dead, who will believe?
#39 – Great is Thy Faithfulness
#689 – Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
#829 – My Faith Looks up to Thee