John 18:12-27 Jesus’ trial before Annas, Peter’s denial.
Psalm 17:1-7
Jesus is tried before Annas, the high priest. And in his trial Jesus really doesn’t say much. He says almost nothing. Jesus simply says that everything he has done, he has done out in the open. He has preached in
the temple. He has spoken in public. He has healed in public and worked miracles in public. He has gone on the record. Of course, all of this is happening at the house of the father-in- law of the high priest. Not exactly
out in the open and above board.
So we have a contrast between what Jesus does and what the high priest does. We also have that contrast between Jesus and Peter. Peter is not willing to say to those who ask him, “Were you not with Jesus in the
garden?” “Did you not see me with him. I am with him.” Peter is unwilling. But not just Peter is unwilling.
In this day and age, it can cost us a lot to say “I’m with him/her/them.” It can cost us a lot to say where we stand. Sometimes we choose not to say where we stand because we’re afraid of losing. Sometimes we choose not to stay where we stand because we’re afraid to actually admit where we stand to ourselves.
What piece of your faith or of our faith do we hold true, yet are unwilling to say out loud, or live out loud? In what ways do we deny the Jesus we claim to follow?