Acts 9:1-19a Paul and Ananias, each called into Christ’s service
Saul is in a rage. Those Christians really tick him off. Blasphemous, heretical, unholy, spreading lies, and Saul is going to get them and get them good. Saul collects his letters and his authority and heads towards Damascus to look for followers of the Way. Then he has a ‘come to Jesus’ session. Struck blind, he loses control of his life and is led by the hand to the next place.
Then God speaks to Ananias, who is told to go heal Saul. Ananias isn’t so sure about this. He’s heard things about Saul, and they aren’t good. Ananias pushes back against God’s sending, and God pushes back on Ananais. Ananais ultimately has to decide how deep his faith goes.
He could play it safe. But that isn’t a new testament story. It isn’t an old testament story either. Ananias joins a long line of people who have been called by God, who have asked God, “are you sure?,” and who have ultimately said yes to God’s call and claim on their lives. How have we experienced God’s call and claim on our lives? How do we live out our Christian vocations?