May 7, 2017 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:26-39
This is a challenging story. For those of us who struggle to tell the story of God’s love and grace, even the idea of going up to a complete and total stranger to talk to them about their faith and our faith may be a show stopper. For others, approaching an official may be a struggle, and for others someone who speaks a different language, or has a different skin color may be the barrier. On top of that, we may feel unqualified to talk
And then there’s the next part of the story. According to the laws of the Torah, the Ethiopian eunuch isn’t qualified to be a part of the people of God, or admitted to the kingdom of God. (Deut 23:1) So there’s another challenge to this story. Beyond our issues even starting the conversation, there’s the issue with what we do when the eunuch, ancient or modern, asks us the question, “There is water, what is to stop me from being baptized?” How do we answer now? Or are we not even in the conversation? Which is more important to us, the law, or…
482 – Baptized in Water
518 – Lamb of God
826 – Lift High the Cross