1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

October 27, 2019 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost – And Low Points

1 Kings 12:1-17, 25-29                     Kingdom Divided
(Mark 10:42-45)

           Just 2 generations later, we end up in these passages. We hear what we often hear about the young neglecting the wisdom of their elders, of men who need to impress with their strength and virility, and of people who take the wrong advice. Rehoboam angers the people who was meant to serve. Israel leaves, and Judah remains; the kingdom is split.

           Then we meet Jeroboam, who had been in Egypt after fleeing from Solomon when he conspired to schism off the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom to be their king. Following Rehoboam’s actions, Jeroboam succeeds in splintering the kingdom, and becomes the king of the northern kingdom. And then he fears that the people will return to the house of David if they keep on worshiping in Jerusalem. So he builds not one, but two golden calves. These are what the people are to worship – these are what brought them out of Egypt – these are their gods.

           How quickly we forget. How quickly they forget. They forget being servant leaders. They forget God’s wrath about golden calves. How quickly we forget. What are our low points, as people or as the church, in which we have so quickly forgotten?

Worship 2019
Worship 2019
October 27, 2019 - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - And Low Points