1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

January 22, 2017 – Third Sunday After Epiphany – Just Doing What We Do

January 22, 2017 – Third Sunday After Epiphany

Luke 5:1-11 – Great Catch of Fish

Just Doing What We Do

This is a famous passage. In it Christ calls his first disciples. They are out in the boat, and apparently have been all night. Jesus sees them washing/mending their nets. Christ gets in a boat they push off, and from the boat Christ teaches the crowds on the shore. Then he moves from teaching to meddling. He tells the fishermen, the experts, the people who do this every day, all day for a living, where to cast their nets. And the experts protest. “We did this all night! But if you insist…”

And they catch fish. They catch so many fish that they need help to get them in the boat, and to get the boat back to shore. They catch so many fish that they begin to sink. They get so much that it almost kills them. And they profess their faith/confess their sin and follow Jesus at his invitation.

What are we experts at, and have spent all night doing, so that we might only grudgingly attempt something different when Jesus sticks his nose in? Are we willing to risk being wrong? Are we willing to almost sink the boat? Will we follow?

#432 – How Clear is Our Vocation, Lord

#721 – Lord, You Have come to the Lakeshore

#726 – Will You Come and Follow Me

Kids: I will make you fishers of men

Worship 2017
Worship 2017
January 22, 2017 - Third Sunday After Epiphany - Just Doing What We Do


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