1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

Posts by marionfpc (Page 10)

Community Lenten Services

Each year, the churches of the Marion Ministerial Alliance gather together in worship. This year, the theme is “My Journey” as we hear from the pastors of our area, several who are new to the community, about their faith journey and how God got them here. We gather at 5:30 pm for a soup dinner,…

Merry Christmas

Tis the Christmas season. We call the weeks before Christmas Advent though. Christmas runs for twelve days after Christmas. By the time Christmas gets here we are exhausted. Ready for it all to be over. This year, slow down and look for ways to really celebrate Advent. Advent is the season to anticipate the”coming” of our savior, Jesus. Join us for the…

Why Visit

Why visit Marion First Presbyterian Church? Because we are people just like you. We are Christians but we know we are not perfect. Mark 12:17 tells us “. . . Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”” Yes, we could forget to greet you…

Advent Cantata

Advent Cantata The choir of the First Presbyterian Church will present its Advent Cantata, Shout the Good News!, during the 10:30 AM morning worship service December 16, 2018. In Shout the Good News!, the composer Lloyd Larson has created a celebration of Jesus’ birth and of those messengers who helped God’s purposes to be fulfilled. New material is blended with beloved carols, creating…