Longest Night Service: December 21st at 7pm Advent 4 / Christmas Eve morning: December 24th at 10:30 am, Soup Sunday to follow Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: December 24th at 7pm, Communion to be served All Are Welcome Here
Longest Night Service: December 21st at 7pm Advent 4 / Christmas Eve morning: December 24th at 10:30 am, Soup Sunday to follow Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: December 24th at 7pm, Communion to be served All Are Welcome Here
American Red Cross Blood Drive at First Presbyterian Church of Marion, IL Immediate Need for Blood Donors One donation can help save more than one life. Nearly 5,000 units of platelets and 6.500 units of plasma are needed daily in the U.S.
April 30, 2023 Thank you so much to the SIU Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders grad and undergrad students and directors who visited us today for Autism Accptance Sunday Lunch and Learn. They presented a wonderful seminar to the community and helped us understand better some aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Thank you to Colleen for organizing this thoughtful event. When…
We’ll be hosting a Red Cross Blood drive on Friday, November 4, 2022, from 12:30 -5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The summer months have a particularly high need for blood, and a number of blood drives have had to be cancelled over the length of the COVID-19 pandemic, so supplies are down. If you can give please sign up to do…
If you haven’t been by the garden in a while, it is growing and producing lots of produce. I have attached a picture of the harvest that St Joseph Catholic Church’s volunteers collected today and will be distributed at the food pantry tomorrow. Today’s harvest included: Parsley, Basil, Rosemary, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Zucchini, Red Onions, White Onions, Green Peppers,…
The second year of the Cultivating Cares Community Garden has begun. Preparation and planting began on April 28, 2022. Follow along this year, and consider volunteering your time and energy to feeding our community. If you would like to volunteer at the cultivating care donation garden, please contact the Williamson County Extension Office at (618) 993-3304. Volunteer Tasks: Visit 3-4 times times…
This week we journey with Christ to Jerusalem, the garden, Pilate’s courtyard, the place of judgment, to the cross, and to the tomb. April 10, 2022 – Palm Sunday Worship with Communion at 10:30 am April 14, 2022 – Maundy Thursday Service with communion at 7:30 pm April 15, 2022 – Good Friday Service at noon at First Methodist Church April 17,…
Gayla shares about her experience of shopping for and stocking the Blessing Box.
At our March Session meeting (3/9/2022), we had some significant discussion around masking and not masking, that probably reflects the congregation as a whole. There are some who will come back if we made masking optional, and some who would stay away longer. Depending on the individual risk factors, people will make individual decisions about masking, as they have been doing already…
Lent is upon us and we are gathering once more for the Lenten Community Services. We will gather at 6:30 pm on Tuesdays as noted below, and then noon on Good Friday. We will be observing the gathering guidelines of each host congregation, and streaming will be via the host congregation’s usual practice. Join us…