The second year of the Cultivating Cares Community Garden has begun. Preparation and planting began on April 28, 2022. Follow along this year, and consider volunteering your time and energy to feeding our community.
If you would like to volunteer at the cultivating care donation garden,
please contact the Williamson County Extension Office at (618) 993-3304.
Volunteer Tasks: Visit 3-4 times times during the selected week to help with the following:
watering, weeding, and maintaining garden beds; harvesting, washing, weighing, and delivering produce.
Tracking Volunteer Time:
Your volunteer time and energy in the Cultivating Care Donation Garden is instrumental to its success!
Please help us record your time by emailing: [email protected] – subject: CCDG Volunteer.
Please include: days the garden was visited, number of people that gardened with you, total hours volunteered, and any volunteer feedback.
Thank you for volunteering!