1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

News (Page 31)

Waiting and Hoping – The Great Vigil

Holy Saturday is the day in which the cross is empty, and the Christ is dead. The Savior of the world is gone. On this day, we gather as the sun sets, as one day turns into another, and we keep watch, keeping the flame, the light of the world, and our hope alive. Join…

Maundy Thursday Cantata

On Thursday, April 18th, we’ll gather in the sanctuary at 7:30 pm to hear the choir lead us in worship through the Last Supper, and the betrayal and arrest of Christ. This is a service that moves in music, and in emotion, in power, and in silence. It moves from light to darkness, and ends…

April 14, 2019 – Palm Sunday – Jesus Comes to Town

Matthew 21:1-17            The time for parables and subtlety is over. Jesus is coming to town, entering into Jerusalem. Now Jesus gives clear directions to the disciples, and rides right into town. Jesus enters Jerusalem to a city and a crown in turmoil, a people curious about who he is and what he’s doing.            What he does is go straight to…

Shout Hosanna!

Holy week is upon us. In his week we experience the highs and lows of life, from the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to shouts of “Hosanna!” to the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday that leads into the arrest, trial, and death of Jesus. We keep watch and wait for the promises…

Give Life!

We’re hosting an American Red Cross blood drive this Saturday, April 13th, from 10 am to 2 pm. Please join us in giving blood to save a life! You can register in advance and schedule your donation here.

April 7, 2019 – The Fifth Sunday in Lent – Step to the Side

Matthew 25:31-46 This is perhaps one of the best known parables. Do we treat is as a parable, or as an actual description of the situation? It follows immediately on the trail of the bridesmaids and the talents, with no break in between, as a parable about the end of the age. Sheep, one side, goats, the other – what’s the difference?…

March 31, 2019 – The Fourth Sunday in Lent – Are You Prepared?

Matthew 25:1-30 Are You Prepared?            These two parables come after chapter 24, in which the disciples ask Jesus how they will know when the end of the age is, and when is the end of the age? This is a topic that some branches of the church spend a lot of time on to this day. You can probably find a…

March 24, 2019 – The Third Sunday in Lent – RSVP, Formal Dress

Matthew 22:1-14            This parable is the third in a set that immediately follow on the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem on what we now call Palm Sunday. The first parable is about a man with two sons, one who goes out in to the fields after saying he won’t, and the other who doesn’t, after saying he will. The second…

March 17, 2019 – The Second Sunday in Lent – $15 an Hour?!?!

Matthew 20:1-16 Continuing to ask the question of why Jesus would tell the disciples a certain parable, the end of chapter 19 has Peter tell Jesus that they have given everything up to follow him. Peter wants to know what they will get. That conversation happens right after being told by Jesus that it will be easier for a camel to get…