1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

News (Page 35)

Worship 2018
Worship 2018
May 13, 2018 - The Seventh Sunday of Easter - Not Piled Up, But Poured Out

May 13, 2018 – The Seventh Sunday of Easter – Not Piled Up, But Poured Out

Philippians 2:1-13 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who became obedient to death.  Luke 6:43-45 We are taught to accumulate. We are taught that in order to be secure, we must accumulate. We are taught that our greatest fear is to not have enough, or to run out. Churches with more members are better churches, and more successful.…

May 6, 2018 – The Sixth Sunday of Easter – The Other Saints

Philippians 1:1-18a Paul in prison, thankful for the Philippians’ partnership in the gospel. Luke 9:46-48 Paul gets a lot of attention. Perhaps, too much. That’s why I find it interesting how Paul starts off this letter to the church at Philippi. He celebrates all the people who are sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, how they have live their faiths, even that they do so for…

April 22, 2018 – The Fourth Sunday of Easter – Earthshaking

Acts 16:16-34 Paul and Silas in prison at Philippi, jailor and his family are baptized Luke 6:18-19, 22-23 Faith has consequences. Paul and Silas are traveling and they are recognized. They are recognized and that recognition changes things. When Paul casts out the spirit, and sets free the prophetic slave, Paul and Silas get into trouble. They get thrown into jail for charges that sound…

April 15, 2018 – The Third Sunday of Easter – The Conversion of Ananias

Acts 9:1-19 Paul and Ananias, each called into Christ’s service (locally and globally). Matthew 6:24 This is a huge passage in the history of the church. The conversion of Saul/Paul is a big deal. Much of the New Testament is a direct result of this passage. And, yes, it is a big deal. Paul swapping from being a persecutor of the followers of the Way to…

April 8, 2018 – The Second Sunday of Easter – Locked Room Mystery

John 20:19-31 Jesus gives Spirit, appears to Thomas. Psalm 145:13-21 Easter changes things. It changes all the things, really. And we think that it happened so quickly. But it didn’t. On that Easter day, the disciples were hiding out. They barricaded the door. They were afraid. They had heard the word from Mary that she had seen the Lord. But they were still afraid. They…

April 1, 2018 – The First Sunday of Easter – Back to the Tomb

John 20:1-18 Empty tomb, Jesus calls Mary by name. Psalm 118:21-29 We began Lent at the tomb of Lazarus. A dead man, someone weeping outside the tomb, and the stone then rolled away. We’re back outside a tomb, with a stone rolled away, someone weeping outside the tomb, and new life again. It is a story we’ve told before. It is a story we’ll tell…

March 25, 2018 – Palm and Passion Sunday – Even Death on a Cross

John 19:16b-22 Sign above the cross proclaims the crucified king. Opt.: John 12:12-27 Triumphal Entry Psalm 24 The week starts off one way, and it turns so quickly. We have spent a lot of time this Lent towards the end of the week. Jesus comes into the week surrounded by cheering. He exits the week nearly alone, not in the company of those we might…