Luke 1:26-45 [46-56] Announcement of Jesus’ birth to Mary; he will receive the throne of David.
Much of the Old Testament contains stories about women and children. We remember the stories of women who did not have children, and who could not have children, until God intervened. We remember Sarah, and Rachel, and Hannah. We remember that the promises of God all so often played out through the birth of a child. In those stories, the gift of the child was given to change the life of one family, often one woman who desperately wanted a child.
In this story, we have a young woman, unmarried, who may not have given serious thought to how difficult it may or may not be to have a child. Modern Christians often view her as a child. This time it isn’t about one family. This time the child will come to deliver the whole world. This time the people of God have been the ones waiting. They have been waiting a long time for the child, for the Messiah.
Mary rejoices in the gift of the child, before the child enters the world. Mary rejoices with the news of the gift of the child. How is it that Mary and Elizabeth can rejoice with the other? How is it that we often struggle to rejoice with one another? This good news, this child, is not just for one family, or even one people, or as we shall see, one religion. Let us learn to celebrate the good news that comes to all the world. It is not just our Good News, it is Good News for all, and must be shared.