1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

July 11, 2021 – Habakkuk 4:7-12 – The 7th Sunday After Pentecost

A 5 Page Paper

First of all, there’s only 3 chapters in Habakkuk. Talk to Trilby about why we have this passage for today. In general Habakkuk is a short book, and a simple book. It is a plaintive call from a prophet and priest who wants to know why God stands by and lets bad things happen. 

Why so short? It says what it needs to say. It reflects a very primal and basic question. It also does so in a different way. Habakkuk wants to know why God allows God’s people to do bad and flourish. God’s decision to punish the unrighteous by punishing everyone with the Babylonians doesn’t sit well. God’s deliverance turns complaint into praise. In 3 chapters, much of the human experience is contained. How much more needs to be said? This sermon may make Trilby regret asking, because it will be longer than the book it is about!

Worship 2021
Worship 2021
July 11, 2021 - Habakkuk 4:7-12 - The 7th Sunday After Pentecost