Galatians 1:13-17; 2:11-21 Paul’s former life, conflict with Peter at Antioch, by faith
Insider and Outsiders
This is the oldest, or earliest text in the New Testament. Galatians is at the beginning of what we have – ~54 AD, a mere 21 years after the crucifixion and resurrection. As such, it sheds some light on how the church was working or not working in those days, those very early days.
We have Paul, and his transforming conversion experience, converted from Pharisaic Judaism, a Roman citizen. And we have Cephas (Peter), and James, and John, those chosen by Christ as his companions in life, death, and resurrection, to whom he entrusted the Gospel and gave the Spirit. These two groups come at things differently, as we hear in this passage.
The church is skeptical of Paul. After all, he persecuted them. Here we are, reading his writings, nearly 2000 years later. Paul’s writings are now the basis for much of our faith and theology. What does the outsider bring? What does the insider bring? How are those still true today?
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