1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

Episode (Page 7)

March 13, 2022 – By Example – 2nd Sunday in Lent

John 13:1-17 Footwashing as a sign of Jesus’ love and example. John again centers us on Passover as we begin this passage. Jesus and the disciples are preparing for the celebration. In chapter 12, they have come into Jerusalem, and Hosannas have been shouted, welcoming Jesus. John tells this story looking back in time, describing…

March 6, 2022 – Where Life and Death Meet – The 1st Sunday in Lent

John 11:1-44 Raising Lazarus, Jesus as the resurrection and life. This passage is all about life and death. John is the only one who tells this story. As we hear this story, we may hear tales of another death and resurrection. This story does some things out of order – Mary is identified as the one who washes Jesus’s feet, but that…

February 27, 2022 – To Believe, or not – Transfiguration of Our Lord

John 9:1-41            This healing happens. It is an oddly messy type of healing, from the spit and the mud on the eyes to the fallout in the community. His parents don’t want anything to do with exploring why this happened with the temple leaders, and the man who is healed doesn’t know who Jesus is.            There’s this odd conversation between…

February 13, 2022 – Bread of Life – Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

John 6:35-59            Jesus is again challenged for what he says. It seems impossible that this man, the son of the carpenter, could be or should be talking about being the bread of life, being a gift of God, being a miracle of God like the manna in the wilderness. While the people in this passage take Jesus literally, and get confused…

February 6, 2022 – When we let God work – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

John 4:46-54 [5:1-18]            These two passages speak to each other. They are perhaps more powerful together than apart because of the contrast in the two stories. The first story has an official of the empire who comes to Jesus to heal his son. This time, I saw that it was the next day when the servants came to tell the official…

January 23, 2022 – Sneaking Out – Third Sunday after Epiphany

John 3:1-21            Our connotation of sneaking isn’t positive. That’s something dishonest people do, people who are trying to hide something, people who are ashamed of what they are doing. That’s a lot of baggage that we bring to the first part of this passage.            Nicodemus comes under cover of darkness, to check Jesus out. Perhaps it makes him more anonymous,…

January 9, 2022 – Sacred or Normal? – Baptism of Our Lord

           In John’s gospel, Jesus performs his first miracle at a wedding. We talk about Cana, we use the passage to reflect the snark of Jesus addressing his mother, the oddity of having Christians make teetotalling a doctrine of faithfulness, and the amazed wonder of the steward about the quality of the wine.            What happens in Jesus’ first miracle is the…