1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

Worship Update – August 2021

Your session is reaching out to give you a heads-up about a decision we have made to help ensure, as much as possible, the health and safety of all. You may be aware that the new Delta variant of the COVID virus is highly transmissible and that COVID cases in our county are currently rising rapidly.

As of July 27, the updated CDC guidelines ask that fully-vaccinated people wear a mask in public, indoor settings and in areas of substantial or high transmission. The elders who comprise your session have met via email and are choosing to follow the CDC’s reasonable recommendations. This means that — for the time being — all people, including those who have been vaccinated, are required to wear a mask while in the church building and to follow social distancing protocols.

If you happen to forget your mask at home, there will be masks available at the church for those who need one. We appreciate your help in abiding by these requirements. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to work through this process — as we need to do — to show God’s love to one another.