In our meeting last night, the Session reinforced our commitment to following the advice of science and medical advisors as we continue to deal with the realities of COVID-19 and the pandemic.
At this time, the CDC’s guidance is that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks, and that those who are not vaccinated do need to wear masks indoors or in close proximity to others. This will be our practice as well. If vaccinated, masks are not required; if not vaccinated, please wear a mask. We will be trusting each of you to care for one another in this regard. We are going to continue to distance in the sanctuary, and as we reach issues of capacity, we will open the wall to the fellowship hall to provide for spacing. Zoom will remain a part of our worshiping experience for the future, and we are trusting each of you to make faithful decisions for yourself, your families, and the health of the church.
We’ll be firing up the coffee pots again, and trying to provide some time and space for fellowship following worship. We’ll be providing a chance for those of us onsite to communicate with those online in the fellowship hall, and a chance for people to reconnect.
Going forward, we will continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and medical experts, and as those things change, we will continue to adapt. We ask you to continue to be the church together, caring for one another and for neighbor, and to share the Good News of the Gospel with the world.
In Christ,
Wade, on behalf of the Session