1200 South Carbon Street · Marion, Illinois
Faith Development – 9:00 AM * Worship Service – 10:30 AM

February 5, 2023 – Common Sense – Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

Matthew 7:1-14, 24-29

           Many of these phrases have also worked their way into our common language. Perhaps they have moved so far into our collective consciousness that they are now common sense and not just common phrases. At the same time, we can bristle at this common advice. Judge not is usually an admonishment (and a judgment). The narrow gate comes with good intentions but is usually a correction. We have asked, but have we received?

           What happens if we go back into these passages? What happens if we treat them as words from Christ, not words from our neighbors? I think that is how the crowd heard them – for he spoke as one with authority and not one of their scribes. What do you hear when these come from Christ, one with authority?

Worship 2023
Worship 2023
February 5, 2023 - Common Sense - Fifth Sunday After Epiphany